Which Way Is Your Uterus Leaning?

Which Way Is Your Uterus Leaning?

Squashed between the bladder and the bowel, sometimes the uterus has a hard time finding a comfortable home. We often recognize this discomfort just before our periods when our uteruses are heaviest.

middle age black woman and her daughter outside

How to Take Care of Your Breasts in Your 30s, 40s, 50s, and Beyond

On average, a woman has a one-in-eight chance of developing breast cancer if she lives to be 80, according to breastcancer.org. Risk increases with age, and because age is a well-established risk factor, many younger women assume they’re off the hook when it comes to breast health — but that isn’t necessarily true.

What to Expect at Your First Mammogram

What to Expect at Your First Mammogram

Yearly mammograms are a necessity for women beginning at age 45, and sometimes sooner for those with risk factors like a family history of breast cancer. Mammography has helped reduce the breast cancer mortality rate by 40 percent since 1990. But if you’ve never had a mammogram, you probably have a lot of questions. 

How to Love Your Labia and Vulva

Sit down and grab a mirror. We’re going to reintroduce you to your vagina. When you look at yourself in the mirror, the first thing you will notice is your vulva and labia.   Let’s understand what the vulva is The vulva includes the labia as well as the clitoris and urethral opening. The vulva is structured to

Common Questions About Menopause

Common Questions About Menopause

Thanks for all your comments and questions about menopause. We have taken the most common ones about hot flashes, hormone replacement therapy, weight gain, and vaginal dryness and provided short answers based on scientific literature. Please reach out to your doctor about all your health concerns. What is menopause? Menopause is a single day —

How to Beat Hot Flashes and Save Your Sex Life

How to Beat Hot Flashes and Save Your Sex Life

If you didn’t know the harsh reality of what a hot flash is and what it does, the term can almost sound sexual. Of course, that couldn’t be further from the truth. For the 75 percent of menopausal women who experience hot flashes, sex is often the last thing on their minds. Hot flashes involve

woman in bed sleeping

How to Get Better Sleep — and Have Sweeter Dreams

Sleeplessness is among the most frustrating parts of menopause. It makes you feel sluggish and less productive, and can lead to consuming too much caffeine and increase hunger. Worse, a lack of sleep can lead to long-term health issues. Sleeplessness is common for menopausal women, with 61 percent of menopausal women reporting insomnia, according the

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