Your Mind

5 Ways Stress Messes With Your Body (and How to Stress Less)

5 Ways Stress Impacts Your Body (and How to Stress Less)

Ever feel like you’re twice as stressed as the men in your life? You’re not hallucinating. Though no one is immune to stress, women are more likely than men to report rising stress levels. What’s more: stress impacts women’s health differently, too. Here are just a few of the ways that stress messes with your body.

doctor explaining to a patient about surgical menopause

What to Expect After Surgical Menopause

“I joke that I went into the hospital age 47 and woke up 60, but it’s also kind of not funny.” That’s an actual text message from one friend to another, sent just days after the friend who sent the message underwent an emergency hysterectomy that removed cervix, uterus, and both ovaries and fallopian tubes

protein supplements

4 Reasons You Need Protein as You Age

Protein is vital for managing weight in midlife, but the benefits don’t end there. New studies show that protein is even more important for leading a healthy lifestyle than we previously thought. Let’s take a look at a few of the reasons we need more as we age.

weights tape measure apple new year's health regimen

Resolutions for a Healthy Menopause

With 2020 here, you’re probably thinking about healthy upgrades you can make to enhance your daily life (especially if you’ve indulged during the holidays — no shame there!). But resolutions don’t need to be difficult. When it comes to your health, the key is making small, incremental changes that will stick. Here are 5 New

woman over 40 doing yoga poses for perimenopause

Top 5 Yoga Poses for Perimenopause

Perimenopause is a period of transition for your body. Many women experience symptoms like irregular or heavy periods, hot flashes, anxiety and depression, brain fog, and more, due to changes in hormones. That’s the bad news. The great news is that yoga can do wonders for easing these symptoms, and you don’t need to join a studio

How to Elevate Your Self-Care Routine

It’s no secret that women put the needs of others before their own — whether it’s their children, spouse, aging parents, and the list goes on. Putting 100 percent of your effort into your loved ones may feel like the responsible choice, but you need to take care of yourself, too.  Without adequate self-care, it

purple lotus flower and lily pad

Ease Anxiety in 5 Minutes a Day With Meditation

For many women, mood swings come with the territory during menopause. They can show up as anxiety that may feel random, out of place, or unexpected. If you’re experiencing heightened anxiety, you’re not alone. But you can quiet your mind in as little as five minutes a day with meditation.

three dogs dressed as ghosts for halloween

8 Ways to Get Into the Halloween Spirit

Historians have traced Halloween’s origins to the ancient Celtic festival, Samhain, during which people lit bonfires and wore costumes to ward off ghosts, fairies, spirits, and other monsters.

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