Your Body

12 Best Communication Practices for Couples

12 Best Communication Practices for Couples

Effective communication is the basis for any healthy relationship. It’s a skill we learn and practice throughout our life, and effective communication needs to be adaptive, creative, and flexible in order to be truly successful. Here are 12 skills to help make communication within a relationship bring more connection and joy, rather than frustration and […]

What Causes Acne During Menopause?

What Causes Acne During Menopause?

Getting older comes with its own share of challenges, but there’s one challenge you thought you’d left far in the past: acne. Acne during menopause is not only a nuisance, but it’s common. Most of us consider the days of zit-popping and Clearasil-cleansing part of our wild youth – so we might be surprised to see

Top 5 Questions Women with Sjögren’s Ask About Sexual Health

Top 5 Questions Women with Sjögren’s Ask About Sexual Health

Navigating our sexual health when living with Sjögren’s can be confusing. Is the dryness from Sjögren’s, from menopause, or is it something else? Is pain during sex normal? Can I have a fulfilling sex life with Sjögren’s? We asked board-certified OB/GYN, Dr. Dana Shanis the top 5 questions women with Sjögren’s want answered. 1. How

What Is the Differences Between Perimenopause and Menopause?

What Is the Differences Between Perimenopause and Menopause?

Menopause is not perimenopause, and perimenopause is not menopause. If that sentence gives you a pause, you’re not alone. Menopause can often become an umbrella term for the three distinct stages most all women pass through once ovarian function begins to decline. But that’s not entirely true, although people often use menopause and its related

Why You May Not Be Having Orgasms and What You Can Do

Why You May Not Be Having Orgasms and What You Can Do

We all deserve to feel pleasure, but sometimes reaching orgasm can be difficult. Just know, it’s not your fault and it’s not your partner’s fault. It’s also common; around 1 in 2 older women are affected by sexual problems. Let’s break down why you may not be having an orgasm and what you can do.

The Essential Nutrients You Need Through Menopause

The Essential Nutrients You Need Through Menopause

Menopause is an inevitable phase in every woman’s life, characterized by prominent hormonal and physiological changes. While it can present an array of health challenges, it’s crucial to remember – it’s never too late to make a significant impact on your wellbeing. Even as you navigate through this stage in your life, introducing essential nutrients

What’s the Connection Between PCOS, Fertility, and Perimenopause?

What’s the Connection Between PCOS, Fertility, and Perimenopause?

Women’s health and hormones do not exist in a vacuum, and conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can impact normal life transitions and events like perimenopause and pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances lie at the root of these conditions and, regarding PCOS and perimenopause, symptoms often overlap. Whether you’re hoping for a pregnancy or curious about the

What is Vaginismus?

What is Vaginismus? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Do you dread going to the gynecologist because of difficult pap smears? Does painful sex prevent you from achieving healthy intimacy with your partner? Do you find it impossible to insert a tampon? Or maybe you’ve been told you have an “overactive” or “tight” pelvic floor.  If any of this resonates, you may suffer from

Menopause and Bacterial Vaginosis: What You Need to Know

Menopause and Bacterial Vaginosis: What You Need to Know

Passing the menopause milestone means no more vaginal infections or similar symptoms, right? Not so fast. Entering the postmenopausal period does change your reproductive system but does not negate common conditions like vaginal infections. In fact, women in perimenopause and postmenopause may find themselves at greater risk for the most common of vaginal infections: bacterial

How to Move Forward After Your Partner Dies

How to Move Forward After Your Partner Dies

Losing a partner is an incredibly difficult experience, and the healing path / moving forward process can be unclear, and at times seem impossible. The feelings of grief and loss can be all-consuming, and the pathway to lessening the pain of grief often seems so out of reach. I experienced a partner’s death in my

How to Care for the Vagina and Vulva

How to Care for the Vagina and Vulva

We often don’t think about how important caring for our vaginal and vulva health really is until something doesn’t quite feel right ‘down there’. To have a happy, healthy vagina and vulva at all ages, simply follow basic hygiene practices and live a safe and healthy lifestyle! Continue reading to learn the best ways to

How To Move Forward After a Divorce

How to Move Forward After a Divorce

It’s almost impossible to avoid the often-cited statistics: 40% to 50% of first marriages end in divorce and almost 75% of second marriages end in divorce. Upon hearing these statistics, most people have a reaction to the seemingly impossible odds for a “successful” marriage. As a couples and family therapist, I see relationships at many

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