Your Body

breasts in a pink bra

7 Breast Changes to Watch for as You Age

Aside from breast cancer, our chief concern about aging breasts was sagging. Just how long would it be before our boobs drooped so low they’d graze our waistband? Though some things are within our control — despite the fact that 80 percent of women still wear the wrong size bra — when it comes to […]

woman holding her breasts and worried about breast issues

5 Common Breast Issues That Aren’t Necessarily Cancer

A change in your breasts, like a breast lump or pain, can be incredibly alarming. It’s like to send countless questions racing through your head: Is it serious? Should I see a doctor? Could it be breast cancer? Before you assume the worst, know that there are several common breast issues that aren’t cancer.

gray haired lady doing yoga for strong bones

Want Strong Bones? Exercise.

Truth be told, we exercise for one of two reasons: vanity or sanity. But as women age, there is a more important reason to get moving: strong bones. Bone tissue (aka bone mass) reaches maximum strength and density at about age 30. Though genetics play a role, it’s positive lifestyle choices from our youth — more

pretty blond woman over 40

What Age Does Perimenopause Start?

Though many people use the word menopause to mean the years of a woman’s life after her periods stop, menopause is actually a single day. It’s the one-year anniversary of a woman’s last period. Every day after that is postmenopause — and for up to eight years before that can be a time known as perimenopause.

diets for women over 40

5 Popular Diets for Women Over 40

Menopause and weight gain go together like Netflix and chill. That’s the unfortunate reality for many menopausal women who feel that they’re losing the fight against the dreaded middle-age spread. We recommend permanent lifestyle changes and not dieting, but nevertheless we did a deep dive on some of the more popular diets for women over

woman in bed with a night sweat

Night Sweats Keeping You Up?

If you know what it’s like to wake up in a puddle of sweat, you know a night sweat. And you’re not alone: Up to 80 percent of women will experience night sweats or hot flashes at some point in their lives.

woman over 50 with good hair

Don’t Pull Your Hair Out: How to Cope With Thinning Tresses

If your hair has seemed a little lackluster lately, your hormones may be to blame. Hair loss in women — whether simple thinning or full-on bald spots — is not uncommon during perimenopause or after menopause. For women, hair loss can be incredibly frustrating for a number of reasons. First, it’s embarrassing, especially if you

post menopause woman stretching beside the bed after waking up

Menopause Made Me Stronger!

I am and have always been a strong woman, but going through menopause was almost as serious as giving birth — only the opposite of bringing life into the world and more of knowing that you cannot ever do that again. Saying this, it is not something that drove me into a pit I couldn’t

salmon poke bowl food for balancing hormones

How to Balance Hormones With Food

Throughout your 40s and 50s, food can be instrumental in alleviating the symptoms of shifting hormones. Optimal nutrition helps reduce mood swings, depression, anxiety, and irritability while boosting energy. Want to harness the power of food to relieve hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, acne, hair loss, and vaginal dryness — and help balance your

doctor explaining to a patient about surgical menopause

What to Expect After Surgical Menopause

“I joke that I went into the hospital age 47 and woke up 60, but it’s also kind of not funny.” That’s an actual text message from one friend to another, sent just days after the friend who sent the message underwent an emergency hysterectomy that removed cervix, uterus, and both ovaries and fallopian tubes

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