Kristen Dunleavy

Kristen is a Brooklyn-based writer and marketing professional who loves to run.

How To Beat Summer Hot Flashes

How To Beat Summer Hot Flashes

Is it hot in here, or is it just you? Anyone who has experienced hot flashes knows how debilitating and disruptive they can be. And with the summer months upon us, heat and humidity can trigger them  and make them even worse. Below, we’ll explore how and why hot flashes become more intense in the […]

blond woman with a little dog in her arms

4 Types of Menopause — and the Risks to Take Seriously

Every woman who lives long enough will experience menopause. It’s a universal part of life. Yet every woman’s journey is unique. Some women will be catapulted into menopause by surgery or medical treatment. Other women will experience a long, slow procession to their last periods. Many women, regardless of how it happens, say they feel

Can Intermittent Fasting Help You Lose Weight?

For some of us, fasting for weight loss doesn’t sound fun. If you’ve ever been hangry (that is, the miserable combination of hungry and angry), you get it. So it’s no surprise that many women give intermittent fasting the side-eye. But research shows that there are likely benefits for people looking to lose weight or

woman resting on beach with dog

Boosting Your Immune System

COVID-19 has had many of us googling around looking for the “secret” to boosting our immune systems. And though there is no shortage of supplements touting an array of health benefits, there is no magic bullet for supercharged health.  Instead, a holistically healthy lifestyle — one that involves regular exercise, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and

black woman on the beach

8 Ways to Improve Your Vaginal Health

As you age, your vagina does, too. Like the rest of your body, it’s always changing. In the age of the internet, it’s sometimes hard to tell fact from fiction, and it’s not practical to go running to your OB/GYN every time you have a question. That’s why we’re here to help with eight things you can

beautiful black woman over 40 doing exercise

How to Exercise Smarter — Not Harder — After 40

Exercise is important throughout our lives, but it becomes even more important as we age. The risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and functional decline all rise as we get older. Staying active can mitigate health concerns and help you live longer, according to studies. What’s more, fat

three smiling women in scarves

How Your Vagina Changes as You Age

Have you ever considered just how unique, intricate, and nuanced your vagina truly is? It’s fascinating to think about. The vagina has its own ecosystem that can adapt to any number of factors, especially with age. Just like a rain forest has a canopy, understory, and floor, the vagina has multiple layers that work together to

Latina lady working from home

The Upsides (and Downsides) of Working From Home

A little over a month ago, many of us were sent home to work from our sofas, kitchen tables, or, if we’re lucky, our home offices. We were thrust into a new reality that often includes a spouse also working from home and helping children manage distance learning. Awkward Zoom calls, Wi-Fi woes, the pull

menopause woman with silver hair smiling

8 Myths About Menopause and Aging

For most women, the lead up to menopause (that single day when you’ve not had your period for a year) is more like a marathon than a sprint. Perimenopause is a process. It begins with the slow decline of estrogen eight to 10 years before your last period. This happens in the 40s, but some

Natural Supplements for Menopause

Natural Supplements for Menopause — Does Anything Really Work?

Menopause symptoms can be rough and relief can be elusive. Doctors often prescribe birth control pills, antidepressants, anti-seizure meds, and high blood pressure meds. But what about natural remedies? Plant-based supplements have around for centuries. Are they safe? Do they work for insidious hot flashes, mood swings, sleeplessness, and more? There’s a lot of controversy around

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