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4 Ways to Reconnect with Your Partner Over the Holidays

‘Tis the season to be jolly, but we understand that not everything about the holiday season will be jolly. Let’s be real. The holiday season can be stressful. Sixty-two percent of adults have a hard time feeling jolly as the result of the elevated stress they feel during the holiday season. Holiday shopping, decorating, cooking, and […]

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Top 3 Sex Toys for Beginners

Sex is natural. Sex is normal. Sex is healthy. Sex is fun! Whether we’re enjoying solo fun or with a partner, sex makes us feel good physically and mentally. Research shows that sex triggers the release of hormones and chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin which help promote happiness, satisfaction, and overall well-being.  So, you want to

Couple after 40 in a happy relationship

5 Things To Know About Dating After 40

Perhaps life handed you a curve ball and you find yourself single, widowed, or divorced and are now seeking companionship and intimacy. Yes, desire doesn’t disappear. It’s not surprising that we seek loving caring relationships to enrich our lives with dating and sex. And data suggests that healthy relationships and regular sexual activity are important to

Mature black couple in love laughing

Things Women Want Men To Know About Menopause

Men: do you know enough about the female menopause? Try this quick quiz to see how much you know and how you can help. 1.The most common source that men use to gain information about their partner’s menopause is Their partner Their friends The internet Their physician Nearly two thirds of men surveyed say they

Domestic Abuse: When Dating Hurts

Signs Of Domestic Abuse & Violence

RSVP our FB Live on Unhealthy and Abusive Relationships: Domestic abuse and violence, dating violence, partner abuse, mental abuse – these were words which I perhaps never paid attention to. My phone broke my concentration on June 3, 2005. I was barreling down a dark highway that rainy evening and should have pulled over

The Importance Of Hormones At Every Age

Hormones are the body’s powerful chemical messengers. They work by controlling and regulating the processes that keep the body functioning. You have probably heard of some of these hormones, such as insulin (which controls blood sugar), oxytocin (which regulates emotions and plays a role in breastfeeding), melatonin (which regulates sleep), renin (which helps to control

woman resting on beach with dog

Boosting Your Immune System

COVID-19 has had many of us googling around looking for the “secret” to boosting our immune systems. And though there is no shortage of supplements touting an array of health benefits, there is no magic bullet for supercharged health.  Instead, a holistically healthy lifestyle — one that involves regular exercise, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and

Latina lady working from home

The Upsides (and Downsides) of Working From Home

A little over a month ago, many of us were sent home to work from our sofas, kitchen tables, or, if we’re lucky, our home offices. We were thrust into a new reality that often includes a spouse also working from home and helping children manage distance learning. Awkward Zoom calls, Wi-Fi woes, the pull

menopause woman with silver hair smiling

8 Myths About Menopause and Aging

For most women, the lead up to menopause (that single day when you’ve not had your period for a year) is more like a marathon than a sprint. Perimenopause is a process. It begins with the slow decline of estrogen eight to 10 years before your last period. This happens in the 40s, but some

illustration 30+ things to do while your stuck at home during coronavirus

How to Make Social Distancing More Fun

With whole states and some cities issuing shelter-in-place directives, most of the nation is taking the health threat of the novel coronavirus seriously. It’s an overwhelming time, and the bad news just keeps coming. It’s important that you not allow dread and panic to consume your mind and instead distract yourself with things to do

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