Skin & Hair Care

Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails: How Hyaluronic Acid Can Help

Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails: How Hyaluronic Acid Can Help

Navigating menopause involves more than just hormone balance; it’s also a crucial time to pay attention to the health of your hair, skin, and nails. These aren’t just aesthetic features; they’re key indicators of your overall well-being. During menopause, these areas often show signs of aging or stress, like dryness, loss of elasticity, and thinning. […]

Ultimate Skincare Routine for Women Over 40

The Ultimate Skincare Routine for Women Over 40

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and that’s why a skincare routine is so important.  Remember being able to sleep in makeup and not suffer a breakout? Now, all we must do is stare at our skin a little too long and we get a blemish. As we age, our skin requires

7 Tips for a Better Winter Skincare Routine

7 Tips for a Better Winter Skincare Routine

We’re deep into those long winter months––the fun of the holiday season has passed, spring is still just a speck on the horizon, and it’s colder than ever. Unfortunately, along with the cold temps comes that icky winter dryness that can make our skin flakier than a burnt pie crust. If you’re like a lot

How To Keep Your Hair Healthy

How To Keep Your Hair Healthy

Nothing conveys youthful health and vigor like a full head of bouncy, soft, and shiny hair. But hair treatments and the aging process can take a toll on hair’s texture and appearance. Read on to learn how to keep your hair looking full and healthy. Adopt a Hair-Healthy Diet The look and feel of your

Top 5 Questions About Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in our bodies. It’s a high molecular weight polysaccharide that plays a role in the metabolism of the dermis. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is most abundant in the skin but can also be found in the skeletal tissues, heart valves, lungs, aorta, and tissues in the clitoris. Hyaluronic acid’s superpower is to retain moisture and hydrate the skin.  HA

Woman Applying Skincare

How To Maintain A Healthy Skincare Regimen With Dr. Benedetto

Skin – the largest organ in the human body. And arguably, the one that absorbs some of the most damage. That’s why it’s so important to keep it looking and feeling healthy as we age. Here, we’ll explore how you can maintain a healthy adult skincare regimen – beginning in your 20s up through your

3 Ways to Remove Your Pubic Hair

First thing first, personal grooming is not necessary, but if you like to be your own stylist, we support that! So to the 84% of women who say they groom their pubes regularly – we understand that whether you wax, shave, or laser; pubic hair removal can result in discomfort.  No matter the method you chose, removing

How a Vaginal Moisturizer and a Personal Lubricant Are Different

How a Vaginal Moisturizer and a Personal Lubricant Are Different

Maybe you hear the words “vaginal moisturizer” and you think “oh, that’s a sex thing,” but it’s actually not. Vaginal moisturizers and personal lubricants are different products created for different purposes, and though the former may help make sex less painful for women experiencing vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy, the two products are not intended

5 Best Anti-Aging Skin Care Ingredients

5 Best Anti-Aging Skin Care Ingredients

Wrinkles, age spots, and dryness — oh, my! When signs of age begin to appear on your skin, it can feel like a harsh wake-up call. But you’re definitely not alone: Most women experience changes in their skin after 40. Hormonal changes can bring on dryness, redness, sensitivity, even acne. With so many products on

woman over 50 with good hair

Don’t Pull Your Hair Out: How to Cope With Thinning Tresses

If your hair has seemed a little lackluster lately, your hormones may be to blame. Hair loss in women — whether simple thinning or full-on bald spots — is not uncommon during perimenopause or after menopause. For women, hair loss can be incredibly frustrating for a number of reasons. First, it’s embarrassing, especially if you

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