Your Body

woman over 50 in menopause applying skin cream

7 Myths About Menopause and Aging Skin

Did you think that all of your skin woes would disappear after puberty? Join the club. From adult acne, dry skin to psoriasis, it turns out that there are a number of skin issues that can arise with aging skin. And though many of us are all too familiar with vaginal dryness because of menopause, the drop […]

How Menopause and Pain Go Hand in Hand

How Menopause and Pain Go Hand in Hand

From hot flashes to mood swings, fear of menopause symptoms alone is enough to cause anxiety. But there’s another aspect of falling hormones that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves: pain and its many forms that can come along with it. There are plenty of resources, products, and supportive communities (like this one!) to

woman discussing hormones with doctor

6 Questions About Hormone Replacement Therapy Answered

Hormones have always been good at messing with us. They get a bad rap, but we need hormones to regulate all of our bodily functions, from hunger to emotions. During puberty, they transform many of us into moody, confused teenagers with a penchant for slamming doors and sulking. As we get older, our hormones can

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