
woman resting on beach with dog

Boosting Your Immune System

COVID-19 has had many of us googling around looking for the “secret” to boosting our immune systems. And though there is no shortage of supplements touting an array of health benefits, there is no magic bullet for supercharged health.  Instead, a holistically healthy lifestyle — one that involves regular exercise, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and […]

Natural Supplements for Menopause

Natural Supplements for Menopause — Does Anything Really Work?

Menopause symptoms can be rough and relief can be elusive. Doctors often prescribe birth control pills, antidepressants, anti-seizure meds, and high blood pressure meds. But what about natural remedies? Plant-based supplements have around for centuries. Are they safe? Do they work for insidious hot flashes, mood swings, sleeplessness, and more? There’s a lot of controversy around

diets for women over 40

5 Popular Diets for Women Over 40

Menopause and weight gain go together like Netflix and chill. That’s the unfortunate reality for many menopausal women who feel that they’re losing the fight against the dreaded middle-age spread. We recommend permanent lifestyle changes and not dieting, but nevertheless we did a deep dive on some of the more popular diets for women over

salmon poke bowl food for balancing hormones

How to Balance Hormones With Food

Throughout your 40s and 50s, food can be instrumental in alleviating the symptoms of shifting hormones. Optimal nutrition helps reduce mood swings, depression, anxiety, and irritability while boosting energy. Want to harness the power of food to relieve hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, acne, hair loss, and vaginal dryness — and help balance your

beautiful bowls of food with anti-aging vitamins

The Anti-Aging Vitamins You Need Now

It seems like every other day there’s a new supplement for anti-aging. And though a pill can’t provide a fountain of youth, supplements may have benefits — especially later in life. Take a look at four anti-aging vitamins and how you can be sure you’re getting enough.

protein supplements

4 Reasons You Need Protein as You Age

Protein is vital for managing weight in midlife, but the benefits don’t end there. New studies show that protein is even more important for leading a healthy lifestyle than we previously thought. Let’s take a look at a few of the reasons we need more as we age.

Why Protein Is Vital for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Why Protein Is Vital for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

It’s no secret that our bodies change a lot during menopause. Sometimes, it may even feel like they are rebelling against us. That’s especially true for those struggling with maintaining a healthy weight. On average, women gain 2 to 5 pounds in the decade leading up to menopause, but some, even those who never had a weight

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