
FemmePharma started as a pharmaceutical research and development company more than 20 years ago. We’ve been reinventing women’s healthcare ever since. Please consult your healthcare practitioner to decide which product best meets your needs.

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10 Ways to Spice up Your Sex Life From a Sex Therapist

A healthy sex life is an important part to any romantic relationship and throughout our lives, we have been given a lot of messages about how our sex life should look, feel, and be experienced. Conversely, we aren’t given a lot of information about how to normalize the inevitable ebbs and flows of the intensity […]

Effective Non-Hormonal Treatments for Menopause

Effective Non-Hormonal Treatments for Menopause

Healthcare professionals often present hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as the gold standard to minimize perimenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms—and for good reason. Decades of research and testimony affirm its efficacy in relieving the uncomfortable effects of fluctuating and declining hormones. However, women with breast or ovarian cancer, a history of cardiovascular disease, and blood clots may

Disparities in Menopause Care for Women of Color

Racial Disparities in Menopause Care

It’s an insidious fact of life that even in a democratic society like ours, disparities continue to exist. And the U.S. healthcare system is not immune by any stretch. Where menopause care is concerned, disparities can have serious health consequences. Biological disparities set the stage for post-menopausal health challenges Black women go through menopause 19

How Do I Know if I Have a UTI or a Kidney Infection?

How Do I Know if I Have a UTI or a Kidney Infection?

Up to 60% of women will experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) at least once in their lives, and the risk increases with age. Among women over 65, 10% develop a UTI an average of once per year. Read on to learn how to prevent and treat this pesky—and potentially serious—infection. The main cause of

Menopause Food Cravings: How to Control the Cravings

Menopause Food Cravings: How to Control the Cravings

Food cravings during menopause are just as frustrating as those PMS cravings we thought we finally moved on from. It sometimes feels like a never-ending battle.  So, what can be done about these menopausal cravings? Why do we have food cravings?  Have you ever craved something sweet, followed by something salty, and then something savory

12 Best Communication Practices for Couples

12 Best Communication Practices for Couples

Effective communication is the basis for any healthy relationship. It’s a skill we learn and practice throughout our life, and effective communication needs to be adaptive, creative, and flexible in order to be truly successful. Here are 12 skills to help make communication within a relationship bring more connection and joy, rather than frustration and

What Causes Acne During Menopause?

What Causes Acne During Menopause?

Getting older comes with its own share of challenges, but there’s one challenge you thought you’d left far in the past: acne. Acne during menopause is not only a nuisance, but it’s common. Most of us consider the days of zit-popping and Clearasil-cleansing part of our wild youth – so we might be surprised to see

Top 5 Questions Women with Sjögren’s Ask About Sexual Health

Top 5 Questions Women with Sjögren’s Ask About Sexual Health

Navigating our sexual health when living with Sjögren’s can be confusing. Is the dryness from Sjögren’s, from menopause, or is it something else? Is pain during sex normal? Can I have a fulfilling sex life with Sjögren’s? We asked board-certified OB/GYN, Dr. Dana Shanis the top 5 questions women with Sjögren’s want answered. 1. How

What Is Women's Health Equity, And Why Is It Important?

What Is Women’s Health Equity? Why Is It Important?

One would think that in today’s modern world, women would have equal representation and access to resources in healthcare. But sadly, that’s not always the case. In the United States particularly, women suffer at a higher rate than men from preventable conditions. You’re probably asking yourself, “Why does this happen, and what can we do

What Is the Differences Between Perimenopause and Menopause?

What Is the Differences Between Perimenopause and Menopause?

Menopause is not perimenopause, and perimenopause is not menopause. If that sentence gives you a pause, you’re not alone. Menopause can often become an umbrella term for the three distinct stages most all women pass through once ovarian function begins to decline. But that’s not entirely true, although people often use menopause and its related

Women's Health Equity With FemmePharma's CEO, Gerianne DiPiano

Women’s Health Equity With FemmePharma’s CEO, Gerianne DiPiano

Women’s Equality Day (August 26) celebrates the anniversary of women gaining the right to vote with the passage of the Woman Suffrage Amendment in 1920. How has that turned out for us 100+ years down the road? Let’s take a look back at the history behind this day and, how exercising our right to vote

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