
FemmePharma started as a pharmaceutical research and development company more than 20 years ago. We’ve been reinventing women’s healthcare ever since. Please consult your healthcare practitioner to decide which product best meets your needs.

Urinary Incontinence in Women

Urinary Incontinence in Women

Have you begun to experience a little something extra when you sneeze, cough, laugh, or lift something heavy? Yes, you guessed it; we’re talking about uncontrollable bladder leaks. And it can even happen seemingly out of the blue, without an obvious trigger. Chronic bladder leakage, aka urinary incontinence, is a vexing problem that can be, […]

woman doing yoga for PCOS

How To Stay On Top Of PCOS

Some of us may be familiar with polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, the hormonal disorder that occurs when women’s bodies produce too much testosterone.  FemmePharma sat down with professor of medicine Dr. Katherine Sherif of Thomas Jefferson University to discuss how diseases such as PCOS represent a paradigm of women’s health in the changes in

woman living with an autoimmune disease

Why Do Autoimmune Diseases Cause Vaginal Dryness?

Autoimmune diseases are more common in women than they are in men. Up to 78% of people with an autoimmune condition are women. Exactly why this is the case is still up for debate, but researchers cite changing hormones, stress, and genetics as possible reasons. If you’re diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, it’s likely that

Can A Woman Have An Orgasm After Menopause?

Let’s clear this up: Women can still reach an orgasm both during and after menopause. It’s a common misconception that once you enter menopause, you lose any ability to orgasm or experience a fulfilling sex life. So while in short, the answer is yes, you can have an orgasm after menopause, however, there are some

woman relaxing in a hammock

What Is L-Theanine? How Does It Help With Sleep?

Stressed out, anxious, can’t sleep?  There is a powerful amino acid that may help. L- Theanine, an amino acid found almost exclusively in green and black tea, provides a variety of health benefits primarily by acting on the nervous system. Among its benefits, l-theanine is neuroprotective; improves cognitive function; has antistress, antianxiety, and antidepressant effects;

group of women laughing going through premenopause

What Are The Symptoms Of Perimenopause?

Although premenopause is often used to refer to this time of transition, the proper medical term is perimenopause. Premenopause is the period of time during which women are in their reproductive years, and will continue to have their menstrual cycle. Perimenopause is characterized by hormonal shifts and physiological changes and as any woman who has

How To Choose The Right Lubricant When You Are Trying To Conceive

As a couple trying to conceive the more you can learn about practical steps that can improve your chances of conception, the better. But sorting through the all of the available information and contradictory opinions can seem overwhelming. Additionally, while your well-meaning healthcare practitioner may recommend the use of a personal lubricant as an aid

What You Need to Know about the Brain-Hormone Connection

What You Need to Know about the Brain-Hormone Connection

As women, our bodies go through quite a few changes from puberty to menopause. The main culprits? Our hormones. And while many of the symptoms we undergo from shifting hormones are physical, from hot flashes to disrupted periods, others are mental or emotional. This is because our brains and our hormones are intricately linked, and

4 Things You Should Know About Vaginal Yeast Infections

4 Things You Should Know About Vaginal Yeast Infections

Most women — up to 75% will experience a vaginal yeast infection at some point in their life. They can cause itching, irritation, and discomfort to the vagina and the vulva. A vaginal yeast infection, also known as thrush, is the most common form of vaginitis, a condition where the vagina may be swollen and painful. The good

6 Ingredients For Better Sleep

6 Ingredients For Better Sleep

A good night’s sleep eludes many of us. There are plenty of reasons you may be struggling to fall or stay asleep. Whether it is stress, medical issues, or a busy household, the result is the same – you wake up already feeling exhausted. Many of us turn to prescription sleeping pills to save our

woman in menopause eating vegan diet

How A Vegan Diet May Help Your Menopause Symptoms

A vegan diet has gained a lot of popularity over the years, but is it worth the hype? It’s estimated that 6% of the U.S. population identifies as a vegan. A vegan diet might not be suitable for everyone but incorporating more plant-based options in your diet may provide positive effects on your overall health and your

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