Christine Morrison

Christine Morrison lives for — and writes about — all things fitness, wellness, fashion, and beauty.

white woman visiting female geriatrician for thyroid checkup

Understanding Midlife Thyroid Problems

A butterfly-shaped gland positioned around the larynx (aka the voice box), the thyroid gets a lot of attention in midlife. (Feel tired? Maybe it’s your thyroid? Gained weight? Maybe it’s your thyroid. Freezing cold? Probably your thyroid. Sound familiar?) It’s little wonder, though, that we blame it for many of our woes.  As part of […]

breasts in a pink bra

7 Breast Changes to Watch for as You Age

Aside from breast cancer, our chief concern about aging breasts was sagging. Just how long would it be before our boobs drooped so low they’d graze our waistband? Though some things are within our control — despite the fact that 80 percent of women still wear the wrong size bra — when it comes to

gray haired lady doing yoga for strong bones

Want Strong Bones? Exercise.

Truth be told, we exercise for one of two reasons: vanity or sanity. But as women age, there is a more important reason to get moving: strong bones. Bone tissue (aka bone mass) reaches maximum strength and density at about age 30. Though genetics play a role, it’s positive lifestyle choices from our youth — more

salmon poke bowl food for balancing hormones

How to Balance Hormones With Food

Throughout your 40s and 50s, food can be instrumental in alleviating the symptoms of shifting hormones. Optimal nutrition helps reduce mood swings, depression, anxiety, and irritability while boosting energy. Want to harness the power of food to relieve hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, acne, hair loss, and vaginal dryness — and help balance your

doctor explaining to a patient about surgical menopause

What to Expect After Surgical Menopause

“I joke that I went into the hospital age 47 and woke up 60, but it’s also kind of not funny.” That’s an actual text message from one friend to another, sent just days after the friend who sent the message underwent an emergency hysterectomy that removed cervix, uterus, and both ovaries and fallopian tubes

beautiful black woman over 40 doing pilates

How Pilates Can Improve Your Pelvic Floor

If you’ve ever sneezed, laughed, coughed, or jumped and wet yourself a little, you’re not alone. The instigator is a weakened pelvic floor, and it is synonymous with aging. Pregnancy, childbirth, weight gain, and the shifting hormones in the years leading up to menopause collectively destabilize pelvic muscles. And though involuntary bladder leakage was once

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