5 Life Lessons From Biopharma Leader Nancy Phelan

This post is part of the FemmePharma series, Women We Admire, in which we highlight women who inspire us with extraordinary life lessons. For this story, we chatted with Nancy Phelan, a leader in the biopharma industry and advocate for women’s health. Here she shares how she got her start in healthcare, why she doesn’t […]

5 Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

5 Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

The holiday season: the most wonderful time of the year or the most stressful? Sixty-two percent of adults have a hard time feeling jolly as the result of the elevated stress they feel during the holiday season. From financial worries (hi there, nieces and nephews with very expensive tastes) to family issues (looking at you,

woman discussing hormones with doctor

6 Questions About Hormone Replacement Therapy Answered

Hormones have always been good at messing with us. They get a bad rap, but we need hormones to regulate all of our bodily functions, from hunger to emotions. During puberty, they transform many of us into moody, confused teenagers with a penchant for slamming doors and sulking. As we get older, our hormones can

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