Kris Messner portrait

Investor Kris Messner Gives Good Career Advice

This post is part of the FemmePharma series, Women We Admire, where we highlight women who inspire us with extraordinary life lessons. For this story, we talked with Kris Messner, an angel investor who has completed dozens of triathlons and refuses to take any grief from entitled men in the boardroom. Here she shares her best […]

woman having hot flash symptoms

How to Get Rid of Hot Flashes Once and for All

Hot flashes can sneak up on you out of nowhere, making otherwise normal situations incredibly uncomfortable. Whether it’s in the office, in the gym, or on a date (yikes), one thing’s for sure: There is never a good time to have one. If you’re struggling with hot flashes, you are far from alone. In fact,

Why Protein Is Vital for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Why Protein Is Vital for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

It’s no secret that our bodies change a lot during menopause. Sometimes, it may even feel like they are rebelling against us. That’s especially true for those struggling with maintaining a healthy weight. On average, women gain 2 to 5 pounds in the decade leading up to menopause, but some, even those who never had a weight

middle age menopause woman bike riding outdoors for exercise with her partner

How to Get Moving and Stay Motivated

Getting out of bed, off the couch, and out of your comfort zone when you’re not used to exercise can be incredibly challenging. Menopause symptoms can make it doubly so. How do you summon the energy to work out when you’re not sleeping or can barely make it through the day without a hot flash

woman over 50 in menopause applying skin cream

7 Myths About Menopause and Aging Skin

Did you think that all of your skin woes would disappear after puberty? Join the club. From adult acne, dry skin to psoriasis, it turns out that there are a number of skin issues that can arise with aging skin. And though many of us are all too familiar with vaginal dryness because of menopause, the drop

How Menopause and Pain Go Hand in Hand

How Menopause and Pain Go Hand in Hand

From hot flashes to mood swings, fear of menopause symptoms alone is enough to cause anxiety. But there’s another aspect of falling hormones that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves: pain and its many forms that can come along with it. There are plenty of resources, products, and supportive communities (like this one!) to

happy new year's resolutions

3 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Menopause

Now that the year is coming to a close, think back to January. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions? There’s a good chance that they went out the window by Valentine’s Day. According to U.S. News & World Report, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions are broken by the second week of February.

Nancy Phelan

5 Life Lessons From Biopharma Leader Nancy Phelan

This post is part of the FemmePharma series, Women We Admire, in which we highlight women who inspire us with extraordinary life lessons. For this story, we chatted with Nancy Phelan, a leader in the biopharma industry and advocate for women’s health. Here she shares how she got her start in healthcare, why she doesn’t

5 Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

5 Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

The holiday season: the most wonderful time of the year or the most stressful? Sixty-two percent of adults have a hard time feeling jolly as the result of the elevated stress they feel during the holiday season. From financial worries (hi there, nieces and nephews with very expensive tastes) to family issues (looking at you,

woman discussing hormones with doctor

6 Questions About Hormone Replacement Therapy Answered

Hormones have always been good at messing with us. They get a bad rap, but we need hormones to regulate all of our bodily functions, from hunger to emotions. During puberty, they transform many of us into moody, confused teenagers with a penchant for slamming doors and sulking. As we get older, our hormones can

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