How to Move Forward After Your Partner Dies

How to Move Forward After Your Partner Dies

Losing a partner is an incredibly difficult experience, and the healing path / moving forward process can be unclear, and at times seem impossible. The feelings of grief and loss can be all-consuming, and the pathway to lessening the pain of grief often seems so out of reach. I experienced a partner’s death in my […]

How to Care for the Vagina and Vulva

How to Care for the Vagina and Vulva

We often don’t think about how important caring for our vaginal and vulva health really is until something doesn’t quite feel right ‘down there’. To have a happy, healthy vagina and vulva at all ages, simply follow basic hygiene practices and live a safe and healthy lifestyle! Continue reading to learn the best ways to

How To Move Forward After a Divorce

How to Move Forward After a Divorce

It’s almost impossible to avoid the often-cited statistics: 40% to 50% of first marriages end in divorce and almost 75% of second marriages end in divorce. Upon hearing these statistics, most people have a reaction to the seemingly impossible odds for a “successful” marriage. As a couples and family therapist, I see relationships at many

The Ultimate Makeup Guide for Women Over 50

The Ultimate Makeup Guide for Women Over 50

Makeup is a great tool to express our creativity and boost our confidence. And even though there is no right or wrong way to apply makeup – it’s all about how it makes you feel – there are tricks you can do to emphasize or deemphasize certain characteristics and features. Here is your ultimate guide

What is Psilocybin and Ayahuasca? Using Psilocybin and Ayahuasca for Mental Health

What is Psilocybin and Ayahuasca? Using Psilocybin and Ayahuasca for Mental Health

Mental health disorders continue to rise though treatments have changed little—if at all—in decades, and healthcare professionals are calling for new, innovative solutions to address the growing crisis. A possible answer? Psychedelics. Used for centuries by Indigenous cultures, plant-based psychedelics like psilocybin and ayahuasca may provide relief for people with depression, anxiety, and addiction. Already

What You Need to Know About Sjögren’s and Vaginal Dryness

What You Need to Know About Sjögren’s and Vaginal Dryness

Your vaginal environment changes throughout your life. For women with Sjögren’s, vaginal and vulvar dryness can occur well before menopause. This can leave women wondering: does Sjögren’s exacerbate menopause symptoms? Vaginal dryness, whether from Sjögren’s or menopause, can significantly impact your day-to-day life. The good news? You can find relief. Read on to learn what

The Lifecycle of the Vagina and Vulva

The Lifecycle of the Vagina and Vulva

Throughout a woman’s life, her body will undergo a series of remarkable and dramatic stages of growth and development. Among the most dramatic changes are those of the vagina and vulva, which prepare women to conceive, sustain pregnancy, and deliver babies. Read on as we journey through the secret—and not so secret—life of the vagina

What Is Prescription Drug Abuse

What Is Prescription Drug Abuse?

Misuse of prescription painkillers, antidepressants, and other prescription drugs is a growing problem, and women are being disproportionately impacted. Medications affect men and women differently, but this is just part of the problem. Following are some of the reasons women may be more prone to addiction, the problems women face as a result, and how

Ultimate Skincare Routine for Women Over 40

The Ultimate Skincare Routine for Women Over 40

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and that’s why a skincare routine is so important.  Remember being able to sleep in makeup and not suffer a breakout? Now, all we must do is stare at our skin a little too long and we get a blemish. As we age, our skin requires

Ketamine: Mental Health Solution Or Cautionary Tale?

Ketamine: Mental Health Solution Or Cautionary Tale?

Identifiable by names like “special K” and “magic mushrooms,” psychedelics are surging ahead as one of the most significant breakthroughs in mental health treatment. Psychedelics refer to substances that can change perception and mood and were declared illegal in the late 1960s. However, in the early 1990s, researchers began taking a more serious look at

How Does Alcohol Use Affect Women?

How Does Alcohol Use Affect Women?

Alcohol use is on the rise among US women, and the statistics are, shall we say, sobering. Alcohol use disorder, or AUD, has increased by an astonishing 84% over the past decade, and women are also drinking at earlier ages than men, with 32% of female high school students consuming alcohol compared to 26% of

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