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Emotional Support Animals And Wellbeing

Emotional Support Animals And Wellbeing

You’ve heard the saying, “A dog is man’s best friend.” And it’s true – dogs have been providing loyal companionship to humans for thousands of years. But can dogs also serve a role that goes beyond companionship, to actually providing emotional support and wellbeing to those that suffer from mental health concerns like anxiety and […]

How to Recognize Depression

How to Recognize Depression

When we hear that someone is depressed, we may assume that person is feeling extremely sad – perhaps crying all the time or even unable to leave the house. And while this may be true, it’s not always the case. Depression has many other symptoms, and these can show up in different ways for different

Alone For The Holidays

Alone for the Holidays? Here’s How to Make it Fun!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… Unless you’re spending it alone, which can make the holiday season feel like the loneliest time of year. Add that to rising stress levels, and it can feel very overwhelming. But don’t abandon all of that holiday hope just yet! Whether you’re spending the season alone by

How To Care For Yourself As A Caregiver

How To Care For Yourself As A Caregiver

November is National Family Caregivers Month! Caregiving provides much needed services to older adults and people with disabilities. In the United States, over 53 million people provide such services. Though a rewarding experience, caregiving has its challenges. The number of men in the field is growing, but the caregiving task still falls disproportionately to women,

what is ashwagandha

What Is Ashwagandha? How Does Ashwagandha Help With Sleep?

Ever feel like you’re sleepwalking through life? You’re not alone! It’s time for America to wake up to the reality that there’s a sleep crisis happening. But sleep doesn’t have to be a rare commodity. A medicinal herb called ashwagandha can help you get the sleep you need.  According to the CDC, 35% of U.S.

woman relaxing in a hammock

What Is L-Theanine? How Does It Help With Sleep?

Stressed out, anxious, can’t sleep?  There is a powerful amino acid that may help. L- Theanine, an amino acid found almost exclusively in green and black tea, provides a variety of health benefits primarily by acting on the nervous system. Among its benefits, l-theanine is neuroprotective; improves cognitive function; has antistress, antianxiety, and antidepressant effects;

group of women laughing going through premenopause

What Are The Symptoms Of Perimenopause?

Although premenopause is often used to refer to this time of transition, the proper medical term is perimenopause. Premenopause is the period of time during which women are in their reproductive years, and will continue to have their menstrual cycle. Perimenopause is characterized by hormonal shifts and physiological changes and as any woman who has

What You Need to Know about the Brain-Hormone Connection

What You Need to Know about the Brain-Hormone Connection

As women, our bodies go through quite a few changes from puberty to menopause. The main culprits? Our hormones. And while many of the symptoms we undergo from shifting hormones are physical, from hot flashes to disrupted periods, others are mental or emotional. This is because our brains and our hormones are intricately linked, and

Does Depression Affect the Vagina

Does Depression Affect the Vagina?

Being sad is a normal emotion to feel on occasion. When that feeling does not go away and is accompanied by other symptoms like a general disconnect, loss of interest, fatigue, and disruption in sexual function, depression may be the culprit. Depression is a common mental health disorder, and data from the National Health and

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