Your Body

Empowering Women Throughout The Menopause Transition: Conversation With Denise Pines Founder, Tea Botanics  

Empowering Women Through The Menopause Transition: Conversation With Denise Pines -Founder, Tea Botanics  

As women entering perimenopause or menopause, we shouldn’t have to suffer through the process – we should be empowered by it.   And that’s exactly what one menopause pioneer is doing.   Recently, FemmePharma sat down with founder Denise Pines to discuss how she’s working to empower women through the menopause transition. She also discussed what we […]

Black women in healthcare

Black Women In Medical History 

For many years, Black women have faced—and faced down—institutionalized racism, sexism, and poverty to achieve their career goals in science and medicine. What better way to celebrate Black History Month than to honor the stories of pioneering Black women in medical history?  Obstructed Progress   Medical schools dedicated to educating women and African Americans began to

Mature Woman Facing Female Sexual Arousal/ Interest Disorder

 Understanding Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder during Menopause   

Among all the changes women expect to encounter throughout the menopause transition, a decline in the quality of one’s sex life can come as a surprise. Hormonal imbalances during menopause tend to decrease sexual arousal, which can understandably cause female sexual arousal disorder. But this does not mean women must sign up for a less-than-satisfactory

affordable care act

Understanding Medicare Coverage for Menopause-Related Healthcare 

Navigating health insurance systems in the U.S. often proves a challenge at the best of times. Yet, despite any prior coverage, your health insurance will change once you turn 65. Medicare, the federal government’s health insurance, requires people over 65 to enroll in one or more of its insurance plans. Going by this, you must know

5 Key Fitness Goals for Perimenopausal Women 

All bodies change and age throughout life. These are unbinding rules that apply to everyone. As women, we go through perimenopause, the transitional time before menopause, to menopause. Unfortunately, this time can seem like your body is a runaway train headed for a chasm. Nonetheless, I have listed 5 key fitness goals for perimenopausal women

Mature woman sleeping

Why Sleep Health Is So Important 

Hitting the hay. Catching some zzz’s. Out like a light.   Whatever you want to call it, getting a good night’s sleep is essential to our overall health.  And with 50-70 million people in the US reported as having a sleep disorder, it’s clear that many of us are not getting enough of it.  In this

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

What is Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. This usually is a slow process which develops over years starting with precancerous changes in the cervical cells. Causes of cervical cancer? Most cervical cancer is caused by a persistent

Everything You Need to Know About Vaginal Dryness

Abnormal Bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding is an almost universal experience during perimenopause or within the first year after menopause and is responsible for an estimated one-third of visits to the gynecologist during this time in a woman’s life. It can lead to health complications such as anemia, fatigue, and pelvic pain, but it can also be caused

Woman thinking about vaginal atrophy and if it can be reversed

What is Vaginal Atrophy, and Can it be Reversed?

When women in the perimenopausal, menopausal, or the post-menopausal years speak on the harrowing symptoms that accompany menopause, the least is said about the quasi-popular vaginal atrophy or the fact that it can be reversed. Awareness of symptoms other than vasomotor symptom (hot flashes), or mood changes must be encouraged. Here’s what you need to know.

How to Evolve Your Relationship: Tips From a Sex Therapist

How to Evolve Your Relationship: Tips From a Sex Therapist

Relationships have historically evolved to reflect the changing needs, values and cultural influence of the era. Most recently, after the COVID pandemic hit the globe, we are seeing a rise in humans wanting to have more freedom and agency within their relationships. People want to define connections on their terms, to be given room to

Essential facts women should know about the vulva, including common vulvar skin conditions and treatment options.

All About the Vulva

Talk of vulvas often gets merged with vaginas, and vice versa. Yet women’s vulvas and vaginas perform quite different, though essential, reproductive functions. Why the common misconception? A general lack of understanding of women’s anatomy may contribute to the tendency to use vagina to reference most of a woman’s reproductive system. Vulvas, pubic hair and

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