post menopause woman stretching beside the bed after waking up

Menopause Made Me Stronger!

I am and have always been a strong woman, but going through menopause was almost as serious as giving birth — only the opposite of bringing life into the world and more of knowing that you cannot ever do that again. Saying this, it is not something that drove me into a pit I couldn’t climb out of. Instead menopause made me stronger than I ever was before!

When women think about menopause, we tend to think about the loads of unwelcome symptoms, like the hot flashes, vaginal dryness, crazy mood swings, the balding and thinning hair, and the sleepless nights. The list of uncomfortable symptoms is long and sad. But menopause doesn’t have to be all bad. For example, not all physical changes caused by reduced female hormone levels are bad. And many emotional and social changes can actually be the opposite of what you thought.

Menopause is finally the end of your menstrual cycle, which for me is a cause for celebration in itself. I no longer had to mess with tampons. No more washing out my underwear or worrying about my sheets. And the best part: No more cramping! For me, it was bad, too. I had a few years when my periods were irregular and the bleeding was super heavy. At least menopause put an end to the guessing game of when my period was going to start and stop. It was most embarrassing, as it seemed that most of the time I was in public when it happened.

But now, I can finally wear white again! White sheets. White comforter. Yes, everything is now fluffy white! And, boy, do I love every bit of it! My kids are annoyed as they are not allowed in my bedroom, but I don’t care! I am in love with white, LOL.


I can finally wear white again! White sheets. White comforter. Yes, everything is now fluffy white!


Most women have PMS. A week or so before your period, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can cause a ton of physical and emotional symptoms, ranging from dry, itchy vaginal areas to tender breasts to food cravings to headaches and irritability. PMS is more common than it is uncommon. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, at least 85 percent of all menstruating women experience one or more PMS symptom each month. Right before menopause, PMS can worsen as estrogen levels rise and fall. All the better, then, to have PMS disappear.

Perimenopause involves a number of years of a very rough hormonal ride, so there’s no question, particularly for women who have had mood changes around these hormonal fluxes, that menopause can be an ‘Ahhhh!’ kind of time,” says Dr. Cynthia Stuenkel, endocrinologist, women’s health expert, and clinical professor of medicine at University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine.

The worst of the symptoms for me was the dryness. It was so unbearable at one point that I actually had to do some research to find relief. Because of this I ran into many positive things that can be done while on your way to menopause. FemmePharma was and still is a lifesaver for me in this area. Best of all, it is all products for women and by women.


The worst of the symptoms for me was the dryness. It was so unbearable at one point that I actually had to do some research to find relief.


Also: Menopausal women can enjoy sex without having to think about an unwanted pregnancy. “Among American women of different ethnic groups, sex without thinking about pregnancy was frequently cited as one of the benefits of menopause,” says Dr. Nanette Santoro, professor and director of Reproductive Endocrinology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. “Some women even find that, because they no longer have to worry about the unanticipated outcome of sex, they can actually enjoy it more once they reach menopause.”

After 40 years of life memories, including the ups and downs of relationships, parenting, and careers, women are more likely to go after what they want with a great sense of knowing that they can handle whatever comes their way. The best part for me was being 40 and finally feeling I can do whatever I want. I love being outdoors, and I love being with my family.

Menopause made me take a look at my health and get healthier — it made me get out and do a lot more things.

Haley Fox is a mother of three living in Las Vegas. You can read more from her at Hangin’ With Haley. You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram.

Photo: Klingsup

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