
Exploring the Benefits and Risks of Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Therapy

Exploring the Benefits and Risks of Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Therapy

Few women’s health treatments elicit such strong reactions as hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Some healthcare professionals cite its risks as too high for any woman, yet others tout the symptom reduction menopausal women experience on HRT as worth the supposed risks. Why the division? Results of a 2002 study by the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) […]

group of women laughing going through premenopause

What Are The Symptoms Of Perimenopause?

Although premenopause is often used to refer to this time of transition, the proper medical term is perimenopause. Premenopause is the period of time during which women are in their reproductive years, and will continue to have their menstrual cycle. Perimenopause is characterized by hormonal shifts and physiological changes and as any woman who has

What You Need to Know about the Brain-Hormone Connection

What You Need to Know about the Brain-Hormone Connection

As women, our bodies go through quite a few changes from puberty to menopause. The main culprits? Our hormones. And while many of the symptoms we undergo from shifting hormones are physical, from hot flashes to disrupted periods, others are mental or emotional. This is because our brains and our hormones are intricately linked, and

Couple after 40 in a happy relationship

5 Things To Know About Dating After 40

Perhaps life handed you a curve ball and you find yourself single, widowed, or divorced and are now seeking companionship and intimacy. Yes, desire doesn’t disappear. It’s not surprising that we seek loving caring relationships to enrich our lives with dating and sex. And data suggests that healthy relationships and regular sexual activity are important to

Mature black couple in love laughing

Things Women Want Men To Know About Menopause

Men: do you know enough about the female menopause? Try this quick quiz to see how much you know and how you can help. 1.The most common source that men use to gain information about their partner’s menopause is Their partner Their friends The internet Their physician Nearly two thirds of men surveyed say they

The Importance Of Hormones At Every Age

Hormones are the body’s powerful chemical messengers. They work by controlling and regulating the processes that keep the body functioning. You have probably heard of some of these hormones, such as insulin (which controls blood sugar), oxytocin (which regulates emotions and plays a role in breastfeeding), melatonin (which regulates sleep), renin (which helps to control

doctor explaining to a patient about surgical menopause

What to Expect After Surgical Menopause

“I joke that I went into the hospital age 47 and woke up 60, but it’s also kind of not funny.” That’s an actual text message from one friend to another, sent just days after the friend who sent the message underwent an emergency hysterectomy that removed cervix, uterus, and both ovaries and fallopian tubes

woman discussing hormones with doctor

6 Questions About Hormone Replacement Therapy Answered

Hormones have always been good at messing with us. They get a bad rap, but we need hormones to regulate all of our bodily functions, from hunger to emotions. During puberty, they transform many of us into moody, confused teenagers with a penchant for slamming doors and sulking. As we get older, our hormones can

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