Your Body

What You Need to Know About Sjögren’s and Vaginal Dryness

What You Need to Know About Sjögren’s and Vaginal Dryness

Your vaginal environment changes throughout your life. For women with Sjögren’s, vaginal and vulvar dryness can occur well before menopause. This can leave women wondering: does Sjögren’s exacerbate menopause symptoms? Vaginal dryness, whether from Sjögren’s or menopause, can significantly impact your day-to-day life. The good news? You can find relief. Read on to learn what […]

The Lifecycle of the Vagina and Vulva

The Lifecycle of the Vagina and Vulva

Throughout a woman’s life, her body will undergo a series of remarkable and dramatic stages of growth and development. Among the most dramatic changes are those of the vagina and vulva, which prepare women to conceive, sustain pregnancy, and deliver babies. Read on as we journey through the secret—and not so secret—life of the vagina

What Is Prescription Drug Abuse

What Is Prescription Drug Abuse?

Misuse of prescription painkillers, antidepressants, and other prescription drugs is a growing problem, and women are being disproportionately impacted. Medications affect men and women differently, but this is just part of the problem. Following are some of the reasons women may be more prone to addiction, the problems women face as a result, and how

Ultimate Skincare Routine for Women Over 40

The Ultimate Skincare Routine for Women Over 40

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and that’s why a skincare routine is so important.  Remember being able to sleep in makeup and not suffer a breakout? Now, all we must do is stare at our skin a little too long and we get a blemish. As we age, our skin requires

How Does Alcohol Use Affect Women?

How Does Alcohol Use Affect Women?

Alcohol use is on the rise among US women, and the statistics are, shall we say, sobering. Alcohol use disorder, or AUD, has increased by an astonishing 84% over the past decade, and women are also drinking at earlier ages than men, with 32% of female high school students consuming alcohol compared to 26% of

How to Maintain Healthy Hair As You Age

How to Maintain Healthy Hair As You Age

“Gimme a head with hair. Long, beautiful hair. Shining, gleaming. Streaming, flaxen, waxen.” This song lyric from the ‘60s musical Hair sums it up quite nicely. For women, our hair is our crowning glory. But as we age, we may notice changes to our hair – it may begin to thin where we want it (our

What to Do About Mismatched Libidos

What to Do About Mismatched Libidos

Our sex drive will fluctuate throughout our lives and having a different sex drive than your partner is a lot more common than you think. Mismatched libidos mean one person in the relationship has a higher desire for sex than the other person. Here is your ultimate guide to handle the sex drive discrepancy. Types

How to Prevent and Treat Stis

How To Prevent and Treat STIs

STIs are a fact of life, and though discussing them is uncomfortable, not doing so is downright dangerous. One in five people in the U.S. have a sexually transmitted infection (STI). And the numbers are climbing. In 2021, the CDC reported increasing rates of STIs for the sixth year running. To help you be prepared,

pain during sex

Pain During Sex: Reasons Why and What You Can Do

We have all experienced pain during sex at some point in our lives. Painful sex can be the result of not enough lubrication or just a bad angle. However, 10%-20% of women will experience dyspareunia which is recurrent pain during or after sexual intercourse.  What causes painful sex? Not enough lubrication Having sex when there’s not enough lubrication

Facts About the Vagina and Vulva Everyone Should Know

Facts About the Vagina and Vulva Everyone Should Know

There is a lot of misinformation about the vagina and vulva out there. So, we put together some facts about the vagina and vulva so you know fact from fiction. The vagina and the vulva are different  The vagina has become a popular umbrella term for female genitalia, but our intimate area has many different parts. The

Geriatric Pregnancy: Risks and Care for Advanced Maternal Age

Geriatric Pregnancy: Risks and Care for Advanced Maternal Age

More people today are delaying starting a family. A result? It’s becoming increasingly common for women to give birth past age 35, which healthcare professionals define as a “geriatric” pregnancy or advanced maternal age. Though an outdated term that can carry negative connotations, giving birth past your mid-30s does bring additional risks to mother and

The Orgasm Gap: What is it

The Orgasm Gap: What Is It

Yes, the orgasm gap is real. The orgasm gap describes the disparity women face in heterosexual relationships when it comes to the number of orgasms they experience in relation to their male counterparts.  Is this because of a lack of knowledge of female anatomy? Is this because we have grown accustomed to not having them? Rachel

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