Your Body

FemmePharma Webinar

Join Us for a Telemedicine Webinar

COVID-19 forced changes in how we all interact with one another. When the country went on lockdown, even physician’s offices closed and doctors, nurses, and therapists who’d been reluctant to embrace telemedicine had to think about how to best care for their patients from afar. For though the first national telehealth provider launched in Dallas […]

woman resting on beach with dog

Boosting Your Immune System

COVID-19 has had many of us googling around looking for the “secret” to boosting our immune systems. And though there is no shortage of supplements touting an array of health benefits, there is no magic bullet for supercharged health.  Instead, a holistically healthy lifestyle — one that involves regular exercise, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and

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5 Gifts to Give Your Vagina This Summer

There’s no official holiday for vaginas, but summer does seem like the best time to give your most private parts a few presents. Consider these five suggestions. A new bathing suit. Vacation travel may be limited this year, but even a trip to the backyard pool deserves a new swim costume. This season’s styles include

black woman on the beach

8 Ways to Improve Your Vaginal Health

As you age, your vagina does, too. Like the rest of your body, it’s always changing. In the age of the internet, it’s sometimes hard to tell fact from fiction, and it’s not practical to go running to your OB/GYN every time you have a question. That’s why we’re here to help with eight things you can

beautiful black woman over 40 doing exercise

How to Exercise Smarter — Not Harder — After 40

Exercise is important throughout our lives, but it becomes even more important as we age. The risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and functional decline all rise as we get older. Staying active can mitigate health concerns and help you live longer, according to studies. What’s more, fat

Mia Vita Personal Lubricant & Moisturizer

Get FDA-Cleared Relief From Vaginal Dryness Now

Even though it’s not much talked about, vaginal dryness is a real problem. It affects up to 60 percent of postmenopausal women, as well as some women who are in perimenopause, have undergone breast cancer treatment, or have severe endometriosis or an autoimmune disease such as Sjogren’s syndrome. It’s uncomfortable at best and can impact

three smiling women in scarves

How Your Vagina Changes as You Age

Have you ever considered just how unique, intricate, and nuanced your vagina truly is? It’s fascinating to think about. The vagina has its own ecosystem that can adapt to any number of factors, especially with age. Just like a rain forest has a canopy, understory, and floor, the vagina has multiple layers that work together to

7 Biggest Questions About Menopause and Sex Drive

7 Biggest Questions About Menopause and Sex Drive

Though menopause does often bring with it a decrease in sex drive, it does not have to mark the end of your sex life. Every woman’s experience is different, and many report even better sex after menopause. No one can predict what your experience will be, but having answers to your questions can help you

menopause woman with silver hair smiling

8 Myths About Menopause and Aging

For most women, the lead up to menopause (that single day when you’ve not had your period for a year) is more like a marathon than a sprint. Perimenopause is a process. It begins with the slow decline of estrogen eight to 10 years before your last period. This happens in the 40s, but some

white woman visiting female geriatrician for thyroid checkup

Understanding Midlife Thyroid Problems

A butterfly-shaped gland positioned around the larynx (aka the voice box), the thyroid gets a lot of attention in midlife. (Feel tired? Maybe it’s your thyroid? Gained weight? Maybe it’s your thyroid. Freezing cold? Probably your thyroid. Sound familiar?) It’s little wonder, though, that we blame it for many of our woes.  As part of

female doctor answering common questions from a female patient

An OB/GYN Shares Patients’ Top Sexual Health Questions — and Her Answers

Dr. Dana Shanis is passionate about helping women understand the importance of their sexual health. At her practice, VHealth & Wellness, in Philadelphia, she and her co-founder, nurse practitioner Catherine McGinty, make listening to women’s pelvic pain a priority. That’s the first step in what Dr. Shanis calls “a new approach to intimate care.” A

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