What is Microblading

What is Microblading?

You may have noticed it on your favorite Instagram influencer or on a beauty ad at your local drugstore – perfectly shaped, full eyebrows that were created using something called microblading. So what exactly is this procedure, and what do we need to know about it? In this article, we’ll dive into this cosmetic trend […]

Vaginal Myths: What’s True and What’s Not?

Vaginal Myths: What’s True and What’s Not?

Urban myths about the vagina are widespread and a common part of the taboo that often surrounds the female body. Here, we break down what’s true and what’s not about these ubiquitous vaginal myths, so you can feel less ashamed and more empowered about this life-giving part of your body. 6 Common Vaginal Myths to

The Importance of Healthy Sexuality for Young Adults

Parental Guide to Teaching Healthy Sexuality

Sexual health and mental health are closely intertwined, and for adolescents just beginning to explore their sexuality, this relationship can be particularly challenging. As a parent wanting provide the right amount of parental guidance without being overbearing, sexuality and sexual health can be awkward conversations to have with your child. But if approached with honesty

Osteoporosis in Women: What You Need to Know and How to Prevent Bone Loss

Osteoporosis in Women: What You Need to Know and How to Prevent Bone Loss

Unless you’ve suffered a fracture or bone bruise, our skeletal system tends to remain ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ Symptoms we can see and feel on a daily basis take priority (for a good reason), yet we need to remember to pay attention to our most supportive structure. A structure that requires sufficient minerals

The Importance of Pelvic Floor Therapy

The Importance of Pelvic Floor Therapy

Gravity isn’t kind to us as we age and the pelvic organs are often the first to succumb. Over the years, pressures from physical activities like running, jumping, and lifting heavy things, and normal life events like pregnancy and the aging process, can make the pelvic organs shift out of place. The result is pelvic

How Diet Affects Your Sleep

How Diet Affects Your Sleep

When we’re younger, we typically didn’t think how our diet affects sleep. But as we age, it becomes increasingly more important. This is because the foods we eat have various levels of nutritional content – macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals – that interact with our bodily systems. In addition, eating the right foods influences our hormone

Is It Perimenopause or Pregnancy?

Is It Perimenopause or Pregnancy?

The perimenopausal years can be a chaotic and unpredictable journey. Along with waning estrogen production, egg quality declines, and menstrual cycles become erratic. Though women 40 and over are 50% less fertile, and long periods between periods can make you forget all about the potential for pregnancy, the possibility remains, and when it happens, it

How to Live after a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

How to Live After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Days and weeks after a breast cancer diagnosis can feel as if the world comes to a halt while everyone else keeps moving. Your mind may feel numb, waiting for the news to absorb or racing with questions about next steps and how a diagnosis may impact your routine. How you live after a breast

What Is a Bruised Cervix?

What Is a Bruised Cervix?

A bruised cervix is not common, but they do occur. We are going to break down what cervical bruising is, how it happens, and what you can do about it. What is a bruised cervix? Let’s begin by saying this, no you cannot bruise your cervix. When you get a bruise, blood from damaged capillaries rises to

How to Help Brain Fog?

How to Help Brain Fog

Among the roller coaster ride of symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause, one of the most unsettling and anxiety-provoking for many women is brain fog. Those frequent episodes of forgetfulness, confusion, difficulty concentrating, and mental fatigue are shared by up to 70% of women and can make you feel as if your brain has turned

Ageism and Society: Men vs. Women

Ageism and Society: Men vs. Women

Whether they’re being talked down to, assumed to be technologically illiterate, or other demeaning assumptions, older adults in general face more discrimination as they age than their younger counterparts. On top of these ageist burdens, older women experience additional challenges that older men (typically) don’t. In this article, we’ll explore some of these challenges and

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