Vaginal Health

How to Improve Your Vaginal Health With Probiotics

How to Improve Your Vaginal Health With Probiotics

Probiotics, foods, or dietary supplements that contain good, live bacteria, can help you maintain a healthy gut and vagina. Yet, as more women’s health products with varying claims enter the market (including probiotics), how do you know what’s right for you? And, perhaps the bigger question: Do you need a probiotic to support your vaginal […]

How Do I Know if I Have a UTI or a Kidney Infection?

How Do I Know if I Have a UTI or a Kidney Infection?

Up to 60% of women will experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) at least once in their lives, and the risk increases with age. Among women over 65, 10% develop a UTI an average of once per year. Read on to learn how to prevent and treat this pesky—and potentially serious—infection. The main cause of

What is Vaginismus?

What is Vaginismus? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Do you dread going to the gynecologist because of difficult pap smears? Does painful sex prevent you from achieving healthy intimacy with your partner? Do you find it impossible to insert a tampon? Or maybe you’ve been told you have an “overactive” or “tight” pelvic floor.  If any of this resonates, you may suffer from

Menopause and Bacterial Vaginosis: What You Need to Know

Menopause and Bacterial Vaginosis: What You Need to Know

Passing the menopause milestone means no more vaginal infections or similar symptoms, right? Not so fast. Entering the postmenopausal period does change your reproductive system but does not negate common conditions like vaginal infections. In fact, women in perimenopause and postmenopause may find themselves at greater risk for the most common of vaginal infections: bacterial

How to Care for the Vagina and Vulva

How to Care for the Vagina and Vulva

We often don’t think about how important caring for our vaginal and vulva health really is until something doesn’t quite feel right ‘down there’. To have a happy, healthy vagina and vulva at all ages, simply follow basic hygiene practices and live a safe and healthy lifestyle! Continue reading to learn the best ways to

Facts About the Vagina and Vulva Everyone Should Know

Facts About the Vagina and Vulva Everyone Should Know

There is a lot of misinformation about the vagina and vulva out there. So, we put together some facts about the vagina and vulva so you know fact from fiction. The vagina and the vulva are different  The vagina has become a popular umbrella term for female genitalia, but our intimate area has many different parts. The

What is Lichen Sclerosus?

What is Lichen Sclerosus?

If you’re like many of us when we get sick, you may have turned to Google for answers. And if you suffer from vaginal or vulvar itching or burning, you may have stumbled across something called lichen sclerosus. But just what is this condition? And how do you know if you may have it? Recently,

Vaginal Myths: What’s True and What’s Not?

Vaginal Myths: What’s True and What’s Not?

Urban myths about the vagina are widespread and a common part of the taboo that often surrounds the female body. Here, we break down what’s true and what’s not about these ubiquitous vaginal myths, so you can feel less ashamed and more empowered about this life-giving part of your body. 6 Common Vaginal Myths to

The Importance of Pelvic Floor Therapy

The Importance of Pelvic Floor Therapy

Gravity isn’t kind to us as we age and the pelvic organs are often the first to succumb. Over the years, pressures from physical activities like running, jumping, and lifting heavy things, and normal life events like pregnancy and the aging process, can make the pelvic organs shift out of place. The result is pelvic

What Is a Bruised Cervix?

What Is a Bruised Cervix?

A bruised cervix is not common, but they do occur. We are going to break down what cervical bruising is, how it happens, and what you can do about it. What is a bruised cervix? Let’s begin by saying this, no you cannot bruise your cervix. When you get a bruise, blood from damaged capillaries rises to

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