Relationships & Sex

Woman thinking about vaginal atrophy and if it can be reversed

What is Vaginal Atrophy, and Can it be Reversed?

When women in the perimenopausal, menopausal, or the post-menopausal years speak on the harrowing symptoms that accompany menopause, the least is said about the quasi-popular vaginal atrophy or the fact that it can be reversed. Awareness of symptoms other than vasomotor symptom (hot flashes), or mood changes must be encouraged. Here’s what you need to know. […]

How to Evolve Your Relationship: Tips From a Sex Therapist

How to Evolve Your Relationship: Tips From a Sex Therapist

Relationships have historically evolved to reflect the changing needs, values and cultural influence of the era. Most recently, after the COVID pandemic hit the globe, we are seeing a rise in humans wanting to have more freedom and agency within their relationships. People want to define connections on their terms, to be given room to

How to Cope When Your Partner Has a Chronic Illness

How to Cope When Your Partner Has a Chronic Illness

The impact of a chronic illness, disease or diagnosis on caregivers is enormous emotionally, relationally, financially, logistically, sexually, and soulfully. There are many illnesses that impact a relationship each affecting the individual, couple, and family differently depending on many variables.  Cancer, Parkinson’s, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme, and heart disease are only a few of the

couple sharing love

10 Ways to Spice up Your Sex Life From a Sex Therapist

A healthy sex life is an important part to any romantic relationship and throughout our lives, we have been given a lot of messages about how our sex life should look, feel, and be experienced. Conversely, we aren’t given a lot of information about how to normalize the inevitable ebbs and flows of the intensity

12 Best Communication Practices for Couples

12 Best Communication Practices for Couples

Effective communication is the basis for any healthy relationship. It’s a skill we learn and practice throughout our life, and effective communication needs to be adaptive, creative, and flexible in order to be truly successful. Here are 12 skills to help make communication within a relationship bring more connection and joy, rather than frustration and

Why You May Not Be Having Orgasms and What You Can Do

Why You May Not Be Having Orgasms and What You Can Do

We all deserve to feel pleasure, but sometimes reaching orgasm can be difficult. Just know, it’s not your fault and it’s not your partner’s fault. It’s also common; around 1 in 2 older women are affected by sexual problems. Let’s break down why you may not be having an orgasm and what you can do.

How to Move Forward After Your Partner Dies

How to Move Forward After Your Partner Dies

Losing a partner is an incredibly difficult experience, and the healing path / moving forward process can be unclear, and at times seem impossible. The feelings of grief and loss can be all-consuming, and the pathway to lessening the pain of grief often seems so out of reach. I experienced a partner’s death in my

How To Move Forward After a Divorce

How to Move Forward After a Divorce

It’s almost impossible to avoid the often-cited statistics: 40% to 50% of first marriages end in divorce and almost 75% of second marriages end in divorce. Upon hearing these statistics, most people have a reaction to the seemingly impossible odds for a “successful” marriage. As a couples and family therapist, I see relationships at many

What to Do About Mismatched Libidos

What to Do About Mismatched Libidos

Our sex drive will fluctuate throughout our lives and having a different sex drive than your partner is a lot more common than you think. Mismatched libidos mean one person in the relationship has a higher desire for sex than the other person. Here is your ultimate guide to handle the sex drive discrepancy. Types

How to Prevent and Treat Stis

How To Prevent and Treat STIs

STIs are a fact of life, and though discussing them is uncomfortable, not doing so is downright dangerous. One in five people in the U.S. have a sexually transmitted infection (STI). And the numbers are climbing. In 2021, the CDC reported increasing rates of STIs for the sixth year running. To help you be prepared,

pain during sex

Pain During Sex: Reasons Why and What You Can Do

We have all experienced pain during sex at some point in our lives. Painful sex can be the result of not enough lubrication or just a bad angle. However, 10%-20% of women will experience dyspareunia which is recurrent pain during or after sexual intercourse.  What causes painful sex? Not enough lubrication Having sex when there’s not enough lubrication

The Orgasm Gap: What is it

The Orgasm Gap: What Is It

Yes, the orgasm gap is real. The orgasm gap describes the disparity women face in heterosexual relationships when it comes to the number of orgasms they experience in relation to their male counterparts.  Is this because of a lack of knowledge of female anatomy? Is this because we have grown accustomed to not having them? Rachel

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