Conversation Starters

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

What is Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. This usually is a slow process which develops over years starting with precancerous changes in the cervical cells. Causes of cervical cancer? Most cervical cancer is caused by a persistent […]

7 New Year’s Resolutions: Time to Love, Mia Vita! 

7 New Year’s Resolutions: Time to Love, Mia Vita! 

It’s that time of the year again when everyone is talking about their New Year’s resolutions. A new year offers a new start – a blank slate. However, we need to remember that we can’t jump straight in with grandiose goals. Though they are important to think about, these goals tend to be too ambitious

Disparities in Menopause Care for Women of Color

Racial Disparities in Menopause Care

It’s an insidious fact of life that even in a democratic society like ours, disparities continue to exist. And the U.S. healthcare system is not immune by any stretch. Where menopause care is concerned, disparities can have serious health consequences. Biological disparities set the stage for post-menopausal health challenges Black women go through menopause 19

What Is Women's Health Equity, And Why Is It Important?

What Is Women’s Health Equity? Why Is It Important?

One would think that in today’s modern world, women would have equal representation and access to resources in healthcare. But sadly, that’s not always the case. In the United States particularly, women suffer at a higher rate than men from preventable conditions. You’re probably asking yourself, “Why does this happen, and what can we do

Women's Health Equity With FemmePharma's CEO, Gerianne DiPiano

Women’s Health Equity With FemmePharma’s CEO, Gerianne DiPiano

Women’s Equality Day (August 26) celebrates the anniversary of women gaining the right to vote with the passage of the Woman Suffrage Amendment in 1920. How has that turned out for us 100+ years down the road? Let’s take a look back at the history behind this day and, how exercising our right to vote

Forming Friendships in Midlife

Forming Friendships in Midlife

Forming friendships is like dating… but worse. Or more difficult? Or just profoundly different. We all know or have experienced the stories of how hard it is to find someone to connect with romantically – there are dating apps, speed dating sites, dating coaches, online courses, and professional matchmakers. Even with those tools, we know

What Is Andropause (Male Menopause), And Is It Real?

What Is Andropause (Male Menopause), And Is It Real?

You may have heard the term “andropause” – or the more common term of “male menopause – bounced around lately. But what exactly is it? Is it the same as menopause, but for men? And do all men go through it? In this article, we’ll dive into what this mysterious andropause term means, explore the

The Ultimate Makeup Guide for Women Over 50

The Ultimate Makeup Guide for Women Over 50

Makeup is a great tool to express our creativity and boost our confidence. And even though there is no right or wrong way to apply makeup – it’s all about how it makes you feel – there are tricks you can do to emphasize or deemphasize certain characteristics and features. Here is your ultimate guide

What Do Nurse Practitioners Do

What Do Nurse Practitioners Do?

Recently, we highlighted the role of nurses as part of National Nurses Week and International Nurses Day. Now, we’d like to continue that celebration and focus on the role of nurse practitioners. You’ve probably heard the title, but what exactly do they do? And how does their work differ from that of a registered nurse?

Celebrating International Nurses Day!

Celebrating International Nurses Day!

Checking vitals. Soothing a sick child. Performing critical life-saving procedures. Without a doubt, nurses are a critical component of our healthcare system. Each year, we honor their strength, tireless efforts, and unwavering commitment to humanity by celebrating National Nurses Week, which includes National Nurses Day in the U.S. and International Nurses Day worldwide. What is

The Importance of Healthy Sexuality for Young Adults

Parental Guide to Teaching Healthy Sexuality

Sexual health and mental health are closely intertwined, and for adolescents just beginning to explore their sexuality, this relationship can be particularly challenging. As a parent wanting provide the right amount of parental guidance without being overbearing, sexuality and sexual health can be awkward conversations to have with your child. But if approached with honesty

Ageism and Society: Men vs. Women

Ageism and Society: Men vs. Women

Whether they’re being talked down to, assumed to be technologically illiterate, or other demeaning assumptions, older adults in general face more discrimination as they age than their younger counterparts. On top of these ageist burdens, older women experience additional challenges that older men (typically) don’t. In this article, we’ll explore some of these challenges and

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