7 New Year’s Resolutions: Time to Love, Mia Vita! 

7 New Year’s Resolutions: Time to Love, Mia Vita! 

It’s that time of the year again when everyone is talking about their New Year’s resolutions. A new year offers a new start – a blank slate. However, we need to remember that we can’t jump straight in with grandiose goals. Though they are important to think about, these goals tend to be too ambitious to achieve. So, let’s start the new year with smaller, more attainable goals. 

1. Listen to your body more

In a world where we feel the need to go-go-go, start the New Year by slowing down.

Listen to your body more and learn to say no to things that are not right for you.

How to say no:

  • Thanks for thinking of me, but I can’t right now.
  • I wish I was able to.
  • Unfortunately, I have other plans. Maybe next time!
  • I’ve got a full plate right now, but thanks for thinking about me!
  • I’d love to help, but I’m spread thin right now.

2. Prioritize your mental health in the new year

Our mental health impacts how we act, feel, and think, as well as influences our overall health; however, we’re doing very little to prioritize our mental health. 95% of Americans agree that prioritizing mental health supports our overall health; however, only 26% of Americans say they spend more time on mental health than they do on physical and/or spiritual health.

Here are a few ways you can prioritize your mental health:

  • Invest in your social interactions.
  • Set boundaries – this is in your professional and personal life.
  • Incorporate more physical activity into your routine. 
  • Connect with yourself – spend more time quality time with yourself.

3. Think about your overall health in the new year

This is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions people make. And one of the first resolutions people end. Remember, any movement is good movement. Start small:

  • Put on your favorite tunes and “dance like nobody is watching”.  Dancing is a great way to infuse cardiovascular exercise into your routine and will put a smile on your face.  Dance alone or engage a partner.
  • Strength training is important especially as we mature.  If you’re not inclined to visit the gym you can work with an expert like Katherine Bright at KatFit; check out her online program. www.katfit.com Or Keep weights next to your sofa and do some weightlifting as you watch your favorite TV program.
  • A 15-minute walk twice a day will quickly add up to the 150 minute per week goal that helps to keep us healthy.
  • If possible, take that walk after you consume a meal for increased benefit.
  • If you don’t want to venture outdoors, walk the stairs in your home.
  • Learn a new language to exercise your brain – check out the various language apps that make it fun and easy.
  • Reading is also exercise for your brain. Set a reading goal; reading helps to improve our communication skills and challenges our vocabulary.
  • Take an online class just for fun.
  • Drink more water! Water provides hydration and keeps us moving; it helps with elimination of waste and toxins from our bodies. Water also helps keep your joints cushioned.  Because water is a component of synovial fluid, it helps to lubricate and cushions the joints. Water can also improve skin elasticity and reduces signs of aging. It’s recommended that non-pregnant women consume 2 liters of water per day.  Add some lemon juice for some additional vitamin C.

4. Think about your intimate skin in the new year

As we approach the new year, let’s think about how to take care of intimate skin. Start by asking yourself these questions:

• Is your intimate skin a part of your skincare routine?
• Do you think about your sexual health as being a vital aspect of your overall health?
• Are you proactive about taking care of your sexual health?

Our vulva and vaginal skin are the most sensitive and delicate skin on our body, requiring extra attention. Similar to the skin on our face, our intimate skin is susceptible to dryness and discomfort. Moisturizers for your vagina help hydrate your vaginal skin to keep it moist and healthy, just like moisturizers hydrate dry skin on other areas of your body.

By maintaining the health of delicate vaginal skin, you can help prevent other problems associated with vaginal dryness, such as pain, bleeding, and increased risk of infections.
Start giving your vulva and vaginal skin some TLC in the new year with Mia Vita® Personal Lubricant & Vaginal Moisturizer and Mia Vita® Gel. When used together they hydrate, moisturize, and protect your intimate skin.

5. Explore new ways to have sex

Have you and your partner fallen into a sex rut? The best way to get out of a sex rut is to explore all the possible ways to enjoy sex. We often assume penetration is the only way to have sex; however, vaginal atrophy can make penetration painful and impossible. Think of sex as outercourse, instead of intercourse

  • Mix up where you have sex – try the living room, up against a wall, backseat of a car.
  • Watch erotica together.
  • Self- pleasure may be part of your repertoire.  Find time to explore what feels good.

6. Travel more in the new year

There’s no denying that when we can get away from our routine and explore a new location, we are happier. Think about weekend getaways and smaller trips throughout the year. Travelling helps boost our mood, reduces stress, and gives us something to look forward to.

7. Be kinder to yourself in the new year

We are our own worst critic. And as women, we tend to put more pressure on ourselves. Celebrate your small victories; keep a journal and record your accomplishments. Treat yourself the way you would treat a best friend.  You deserve self-compassion and self-love. 

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